PEM: Davide Galassi

DTC asks to build my page on the site as well, by tomorrow morning, thanks.

PEM Malagoli and the unforgotten Carciofi's natural son, his looks definitely differ from the ones of both due to flaming blonde hair which make us suspect an intrusion within the couple by the latin-lover Nicolasi to have occurred... who knows? He comes in perfect shape from Imola every day to act as The Guilty Man of every horrible disgrace (including disruptive volcanic eruptions in Antilles, earthquakes in Irpinia, pimples). He is the chosen victim of any sort of insatiable request by DTC, thus putting up a love chain of this sort: "Galassi on behalf of db on behalf of Mengoli"!

It's perfectly clear that none of these three night owls above goes under the name of Davide Galassi, but as we wait for him to send us a picture, this space will act as an advertising page... as a matter of fact a site this precious can't afford a white page (or maybe a red page...)